Inflows in the high-mass YSO G336.01-0.82: from envelope into the disk
Infall streamers are thought to play a substantial role in funneling gas from the envelopes of hot cores and beyond, thus feeding their disks. They may also play a key role in achieving high-accretion rates, an important ingredient for the formation of high-mass stars. The study of these inflows and its subsequent effect on the protostellar disks remain less explored due to the high angular resolution required to resolve such structures. In this presentation we will show early result of the continuation of two infall streamers into the protostellar disk in the hot-core G336.01-0.82. We will show new ALMA observations that provide evidence of the continuation of the infall streamers into disk scales. This suggests that streamers may play an important role not only feeding disks but can also contribute to substructures within the disk.