Physical properties and structures of the streamers in the Class 0 protostar IRAS 16544-1604
Infalling streamers have been often detected in protostellar sources and may play an important role in the process of mass accretion onto protostellar disks. Their morphological structures possibly represent trajectories of infalling motion, and cannot be explained with the classical model of isotropic infall of an axisymmetric envelope. To quantify the importance of streamers in the mass accretion process, we combined the eDisk and FAUST data of the Class 0 protostar, IRAS 16544-1604. We identify at least three candidate streamers in the C18O emission. We estimate their mass infalling rates and angular momentum and compare them with those of the global isotropic infall and rotation. In this presentation, I will introduce these results and discuss the role of infalling streamers in the star formation process.