Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-forming Regions (MagMaR): a Core-Scale Mini-Filament In A Massive Star-Forming Hub, G14.22-0.50_S
Hub-filament systems, which consist of converging filaments into the central dense hub, are proposed to be the main site of active, high-mass star formation. In this presentation, we report ALMA detections of a core-scale mini-filament and millimeter envelopes in the southern hub of G14.22-0.50 with an angular resolution of ~500 au, a target of the MagMaR (Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-forming Regions) Survey. The physical properties such as length, width, and mass per unit length of the mini-filament are estimated from the 1.3 mm dust continuum emission, and the magnetic field orientations and its strengths calculated using the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method are presented. The turbulent property of this region is investigated using the molecular line data of H13CO+ and HN13C. The physical properties of mm envelopes on and off the mini-filament are also examined in terms of their formation in the filament. Our results provide an insight into the early star formation in the high-mass star-forming regions, i.e., the formation of mm envelopes in a mini-filament in a dense hub.