IPA: JWST-ALMA combo deblurring protostellar winds

Himanshu Tyagi

Jets/winds from the protostars regulate the evolution of the protostellar system by taking away the angular momentum from the system to facilitate the accretion. Jets/winds from the protostars also regulate the star formation rate through their feedback on the molecular cloud. However, the understanding of the jets/winds' launching mechanism and their feedback on the molecular clouds is far from clear.
Our high spatial resolution spectral imaging observations with JWST and ALMA provide unprecedented details on the geometry of these winds and offer insights into their launching mechanisms. In this poster, we will share results from the JWST Cycle 1 GO program, 'Investigating Protostellar Accretion (IPA),' which focuses on protostellar winds traced by H2 in five Class 0 protostars spanning a broad luminosity range of 0.2 to 10,000 Lsun. The winds traced by JWST in multiple ro-vibrational lines of H2 reveal complex emission structures with a wide hourglass-shaped outer boundary.
Complementary ALMA 12CO observations of winds, which align with the cavities traced by scattered light, demonstrate that the H2 winds are narrower than the low-J CO winds, suggesting that H2 might be tracing the disk winds. We will present our findings on the morphology and kinematics of H2 compared to CO and discuss the implications of these results.