Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-Forming Regions (MagMaR): Role of B-field towards the high mass protostellar core G336.01–0.82
Massive stars play a crucial role in the evolution and enrichment of the interstellar medium (ISM). However, understanding how these stars accumulate mass during their formation remains a persistent challenge. Gravity, magnetic fields (B-fields), and turbulence interact and play significant roles in shaping structures from large-scale molecular clouds to small-scale clumps and cores. Despite this, their specific roles throughout the different phases of cloud evolution remain unclear and are the subject of ongoing debate, particularly regarding the influence of B-fields. While the role of B-fields at large scale clouds based on optical/NIR and low-resolution sub-mm polarization (using Planck) data is relatively well-established, their role at small-scale cores and disks remains less explored. In this context, we present the preliminary results based on high resolution sub-mm polarization data of a high-mass star-forming core G336.01-0.82 as part of the Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-Forming Regions (MagMaR) collaboration. Previous studies using ALMA continuum data (with a resolution of ~ 0.05'') revealed two spiral streamers feeding a circumstellar disk from opposite sides in great detail. Molecular line emission from CH3OH indicated velocity gradients along the streamers indicating possible infalling gas. Consequently, it is of great interest to understand the role of B-fields along and around these structures. We utilized ALMA high-resolution (0.3'') polarimetric data as part of the MagMaR collaboration to investigate the significance of B-fields. Polarization data revealed a twisted morphology of B-fields towards the center, shedding light on their role in the star formation process.