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Useful Links for Preparing Proposals for Cycle 4

Call for Proposals
Documentation supporting the current ALMA Call for Proposals - Cycle 4

ALMA Proposer's Guide : Contains all pertinent information regarding the ALMA Call for Proposals

ALMA Technical Handbook : A comprehensive description of the ALMA observatory and its components

ALMA Users' Policies : The long-term core policies for use of the ALMA and ALMA data by the science community.

Early Science Primer : Introduction to interferometry and how to use ALMA during Early Science

ALMA Proposal Template : LaTeX format. Recommended but not mandatory

Observing Tool (OT)
Documents and tools supporting the current ALMA Call for Proposals - Cycle 4

 The ALMA Observing Tool (OT) is a Java application used for the preparation and submission of ALMA Phase 1 (observing proposal) and Phase 2 (telescope runfiles for accepted proposals) materials. The current release of the OT is configured for the Early Science Capabilities of ALMA. Note that in order to submit proposals you will have to register with the ALMA Science Portal beforehand.

ALMA Observing Tool : takes you to the OT page on the Science Portal

OT Quickstart : A Quick Start Guide for using the Observing Tool

OT User Manual : Describes how to use the Observing Tool for preparing ALMA proposals

OT Reference Manual : An in-depth description of the Observing Tool

Video Tutorials : on how to use the Observing Tool

Known OT issues : for those instances when OT problems are encountered

ALMA Sensitivity Calculator (ASC)
 The ALMA Sensitivity Calculator (ASC) will calculate the necessary integration times for a given sensitivity, or vice versa, for your ALMA observing project. To run the calculator you need the Java Plug-in installed.

The ALMA Sensitivity Calculator tool

A Video for Largest Angular Scale and Maximum Recoverable Scale

Korean ARC Node is to provide support service to the ALMA user community in Korea