List of posters

Last updated: 15 July, 2024

The posters boards at the venue will be 120 cm in width and 180 cm in height. Please prepare your posters accordingly.

Interstellar medium and star formation
Poster numberNameTitle

P1Eun Jung Chung Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-forming Regions (MagMaR): a Core-Scale Mini-Filament In A Massive Star-Forming Hub, G14.22-0.50_S
P2Piyali Saha Investigating Magnetic Fields in High-Mass Pre-stellar Cores using ALMA
P3Sandhyarani Panigrahy Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-Forming Regions (MagMaR): Role of B-field towards the high mass protostellar core G336.01–0.82
P4Seunghyeon Lee ALMA band 3 and 6 observations of NGC63341

High- and low-mass YSOs
Poster numberNameTitle

P5Aran Lyo Magnetic field study of G335.78
P6ChulHwan Kim Connecting CO blobs detected by ALMA and JWST observations
P7Himanshu Tyagi IPA: JWST ^`^sALMA combo deblurring protostellar winds
P8Jihyun Kang Statistics and Temperatures of Hot Molecular Cores in 30 Massive Star-Forming Regions of the MagMaR Survey
P9Junyoung Moon Bipolar Outflow Momentum Depending on Misalignment of Outflow Axes and Magnetic Field Orientations
P10Mitsuki Omura New discovery of CO(J=3-2) linear polarization by Goldreich-Kylafis effect from protostellar outflow in NGC 2071 IRS 3
P11Toki Ikeda Hot Core Chemistry and Star Formation in the Outer Galaxy

Poster numberNameTitle

P12Donghyeok Koh The Kinetic Analysis of Circumstellar Disk around proto-BD Candidate: IC348-SMM2E
P13Jae-Hong Jeong ALMA Spectral Survey of An eruptive Young star, V883 Ori (ASSAY): Freshly Sublimated Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) in the Keplerian Disk

Solar System
Poster numberNameTitle

P14Takahiro Iino Advances of solar system radio astronomy on Titan and Neptune with ALMA

Galaxies and AGN
Poster numberNameTitle

P15Bunyo Hatsukade Molecular Gas Properties in the Host Galaxies of Fast Radio Bursts
P16Daisuke Iono Formation Of Sub-Structure In Luminous Sub-millimeter galaxies - FOSSILS -
P17Hiroma Okubo Principal Component Analysis reveals some features in the starburst ring of NGC 1068
P18Fumiya Maeda Connection among galactic structure, cloud–cloud collision, and star formation activity in the strongly barred galaxy NGC 3627
P19Kana Morokuma AGN radio-mode feedback onto giant-molecular cloud associations in Fornax A
P20Khwammai Wanchaloem Unusual Polarization Angle swing of OJ 287
P21Ryoya Kojima The origin of molecular gas outflow revealed by 10 pc - scale observation of NGC 1275
P22Yumi Watanabe Study of HCN/CO intensity ratio around AGN using ALMA data

Poster numberNameTitle

P23Kuan-Chou Hou Efficient Image Visualization and Analysis with CARTA - Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy