Poster number | Name | Title |
P1 | Eun Jung Chung | Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-forming Regions (MagMaR): a Core-Scale Mini-Filament In A Massive Star-Forming Hub, G14.22-0.50_S |
P2 | Piyali Saha | Investigating Magnetic Fields in High-Mass Pre-stellar Cores using ALMA |
P3 | Sandhyarani Panigrahy | Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-Forming Regions (MagMaR): Role of B-field towards the high mass protostellar core G336.01–0.82 |
P4 | Seunghyeon Lee | ALMA band 3 and 6 observations of NGC63341 |
Poster number | Name | Title |
P5 | Aran Lyo | Magnetic field study of G335.78 |
P6 | ChulHwan Kim | Connecting CO blobs detected by ALMA and JWST observations |
P7 | Himanshu Tyagi | IPA: JWST ^`^sALMA combo deblurring protostellar winds |
P8 | Jihyun Kang | Statistics and Temperatures of Hot Molecular Cores in 30 Massive Star-Forming Regions of the MagMaR Survey |
P9 | Junyoung Moon | Bipolar Outflow Momentum Depending on Misalignment of Outflow Axes and Magnetic Field Orientations |
P10 | Mitsuki Omura | New discovery of CO(J=3-2) linear polarization by Goldreich-Kylafis effect from protostellar outflow in NGC 2071 IRS 3 |
P11 | Toki Ikeda | Hot Core Chemistry and Star Formation in the Outer Galaxy |
Poster number | Name | Title |
P12 | Donghyeok Koh | The Kinetic Analysis of Circumstellar Disk around proto-BD Candidate: IC348-SMM2E |
P13 | Jae-Hong Jeong | ALMA Spectral Survey of An eruptive Young star, V883 Ori (ASSAY): Freshly Sublimated Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) in the Keplerian Disk |
Poster number | Name | Title |
P14 | Takahiro Iino | Advances of solar system radio astronomy on Titan and Neptune with ALMA |
Poster number | Name | Title |
P15 | Bunyo Hatsukade | Molecular Gas Properties in the Host Galaxies of Fast Radio Bursts |
P16 | Daisuke Iono | Formation Of Sub-Structure In Luminous Sub-millimeter galaxies - FOSSILS - |
P17 | Hiroma Okubo | Principal Component Analysis reveals some features in the starburst ring of NGC 1068 |
P18 | Fumiya Maeda | Connection among galactic structure, cloud–cloud collision, and star formation activity in the strongly barred galaxy NGC 3627 |
P19 | Kana Morokuma | AGN radio-mode feedback onto giant-molecular cloud associations in Fornax A |
P20 | Khwammai Wanchaloem | Unusual Polarization Angle swing of OJ 287 |
P21 | Ryoya Kojima | The origin of molecular gas outflow revealed by 10 pc - scale observation of NGC 1275 |
P22 | Yumi Watanabe | Study of HCN/CO intensity ratio around AGN using ALMA data |
Poster number | Name | Title |
P23 | Kuan-Chou Hou | Efficient Image Visualization and Analysis with CARTA - Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy |