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Townhall Meeting for ALMA Cycle 11 Proposal Preparation

The ALMA Cycle 11 Call for Proposals has been announced on the ALMA science portal. Please note that proposals are due by April 25, 2024. To inform the Korean Astronomy community about the latest on ALMA Cycle 11, the ALMA group at KASI is arranging a townhall meeting for proposal preparation. This will encompass a brief East Asia ALMA joint session in English on March 22, succeeded by a townhall on March 26, with several presentations on the latter day conducted in Korean. Detailed information will follow. We kindly invite your participation in these sessions.

East Asia ALMA Joint Session by the JAO Proposal Handling Team

  • Date: March 22 (Friday)
  • Time: 11:05-11:35 "Cycle 11 Proposal Review Process" (Pei-Ying Hsieh)
  • Zoom link

Townhall meeting

  • Date: March 26 (Tuesday)
  • Location: KASI Jangyoungsil-hall, Room 331-2 & Zoom link
  • 09:30 "Cycle 11 Proposal Guide & Capabilities" (Aran Lyo) (PDF)
  • 09:55 "Cycle 11 Proposal Review Process" (Min-Young Lee) (PDF)
  • 10:20 "Proposal Preparation Tips" (Yusuke Aso)
  • 10:45 Q&A Session
  • 11:00 "Observing Tool" (Seokho Lee) (PDF)
  • 11:25 "ALMA Archive & CARTA" (Hyung-Sik Yun) (PDF)
  • 11:50 Q&A Session

2024 East Asia ALMA Science Workshop & Data Analysis Workshop (1st Announcement)

These two workshops were successfully held in July 22-26, 2024 (webpage).

We are pleased to announce the East Asian (EA) ALMA Science Workshop 2024-Korea. The EA ALMA community of Japan, Taiwan, and Korea has got together every year to share new results and to promote collaborations. This year we will come together in Korea again, particularly at the Siheung campus of the Seoul National University on July 22-24, 2024, which is near the Incheon international airport.

ALMA passed over 10 years last year since it was inaugurated on March 13, 2013. So far ALMA has been delighting and enlightening us with numerous fantastic results. Now ALMA also has an excellent sibling, JWST. In this workshop, we will have a chance to listen to brief histories of EA ALMA 10 years, as well as nice scientific results from large and PI programs of ALMA. Also, we hope to see many comprehensive results jointly obtained with other facilities like JWST and VLA. Any astronomers who are interested in ALMA, regardless of having their own ongoing ALMA projects or not, are welcome to join.

This year, a new workshop, Data Analysis Workshop, is scheduled after the Science Workshop. Participants will work in groups to analyze ALMA archival data on specific topics, guided by experienced supervisors. Through group work, we aim to promote closer interaction and facilitate skill development, particularly among young members. Based on the preliminary survey, five topics will be offered: "multi-band", "polarization", "self-cal", "TP combining", and "basics". If there are more applicants than our capacity of ~25, we give priority to those with early careers, maintaining the regional balance.

Further updates and details will be continuously added to the workshop's webpage. Please keep an eye on for the latest information.

Important dates

  • Mar. 5: 1st announcement
  • Apr. 15: 2nd announcement with a list of invited speakers & registration open
  • May 20: DA workshop application deadline
  • May 27: Announcement of the list of DA workshop participants
  • May 31: talk abstract submission deadline
  • Jun. 14: 3rd announcement with a (tentative) program
  • Jun. 30: poster abstract submission deadline & registration close
  • Jul. 15: final announcement a week prior to the meeting
  • Jul. 22-24: EA ALMA Science Workshop
  • Jul. 25-26: EA ALMA Data Analysis Workshop

SOC members for the science workshop

Yu-Yen Chang (NCHU), Bunyo Hatsukade (NAOJ), Jongsoo Kim (KASI), Woojin Kwon (Chair; SNU), Aran Lyo (KASI), Tomonari Michiyama (Shunan U.), Kana Morokuma (U. Tokyo), Ya-Wen Tang (ASIAA)

SOC members for the science workshop

Yusuke Aso (KASI), Natsuko Izumi, Takuma Izumi (NAOJ), Akiko Kawamura (NAOJ), Aran Lyo (KASI), Jia-Wei Wang (ASIAA)

LOC members

Yusuke Aso, Spandan Choudhury, Ilseung Han, Jihyun Kang, Min-Young Lee, Seokho Lee, Aran Lyo, Gyueun Park, Heesun Yoon, Hyung-Sik Yun (KASI)
ALMA Proposal Workshop

The ALMA group at the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is organizing a workshop for the preparation of ALMA observation proposals. This workshop aims to provide tips on securing observation time. Participants will have the opportunity to organize the content of their proposals and receive advice from mentors.

The workshop will be conducted in two sessions, with a two-week interval between them. The first workshop includes lectures on how to write successful proposals. Additionally, participants will also have the opportunity to hear about the experiences of users who have successfully secured observation time. Over the following two weeks, participants will prepare the outlines of their own proposals based on guidelines. In the second workshop, all participants will present the overview of their observation proposals and receive feedback from mentors.

Please note that some of the lectures and presentations will be conducted in Korean to encourage active participation from students. Additionally, some of the content covered in the first workshop will be presented at a town hall meeting in March.

For these reasons, the workshop is open only to students and researchers who plan to submit observation proposals this year. Applications for participation can be submitted until January 19th through this link.

Program for the 1st Workshop

  • Date: February 14th (Wednesday)
  • Venue: KASI Jangyeongsil Hall, Room 331-2
  • 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM: Guidelines for Proposal Writing (Seokho Lee) (PDF)
  • 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Successful Proposal Writer's Experience 1 (Yusuke Aso) (PDF)
  • 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Successful Proposal Writer's Experience 2 (Bumhyun Lee) (PDF)
  • 3:20 PM - 4:30 PM: Discussion about Reviewers' Tendencies (Yusuke Aso) (PDF) (PDF)

Program for the 2nd Workshop

  • Date: February 28th (Wednesday)
  • Venue: KASI Jangyeongsil Hall, Room 331-2
  • 10:30 AM - 12:30 AM: Presentations by the participants
  • 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM: Presentations by the participants

The 7th ALMA Summer School
7th ALMA Summer School
7th ALMA SS Activity

The 7th ALMA Summer School was held at Seobaeksan Observatory for July 31-August 04. The following program was conducted:


  • July 31 (1:30-2:30 pm): Moving from the Jukryeong service area to the observatory
  • July 31 (3:30-5:00 pm): Introduction of radio astronomy and ALMA (Jongsoo Kim)
  • July 31 (5:00-6:00 pm): Computer setting
  • July 31 (6:00 pm): Welcome reception
  • August 01 (9:00 am-12:00 pm): ALMA imaging tutorial (Aran Lyo)
  • August 01 (1:00 pm): Start the group projects
  • August 02-03: Group projects, morning hiking, and stargazing
  • August 04 (10:00 am-12:00 pm): Group presentation
  • August 04 (12:00 pm): Lunch and going down the mountain


  • Information of the venue, Sobaeksan Observatory, can be found here.
  • The gathering spot is the Jukryeong service area (죽령휴개소): Naver Map, Google Map.
  • Data files: imaging tutorial, group projects.
  • Softwares: CASA (data analysis), CARTA (data visualization), VNC Viewer (remote desktop).
  • A guide for checking your CASA can be found here.
  • A tutorial for ALMA imaging can be found here.
  • The presentation files for group projects can be downloaded from here.

Townhall Meeting for Cycle 10 Proposal Preparation
Townhall Meeting Group Photo1
Townhall Meeting Group Photo2
The ALMA group at KASI will be hosting a townhall meeting for ALMA Cycle 10 on the 18th of April. The Cycle 10 schedule is outlined here, and the program of the townhall meeting can be found below. The townhall meeting will begin with the EA ALMA Joint Session run by the JAO Proposal Handling Team, where the proposal review process is a main subject. Some of the lectures will be given in Korean to encourage students' participation. If you plan to attend the Observing Tool and CARTA hands-on sessions and would like to directly work with these softwares, please install them on your computer and create an ALMA Science Portal ID before the townhall meeting.


  • Place: KASI Jangyoungsil-hall room 331-2 & online (Zoom link at the end of this program)
  • 9:30~10:00 AM: EA ALMA Joint Session for the proposal review process (Andrea Corvilon; English)
  • 10:20~10:50 AM: Cycle 10 capability (Jihyun Kang; English) (PDF)
  • 10:50~11:30 AM: Joint proposal (ALMA + JWST/VLA/VLT) & Q&A for the proposal review process (Aran Lyo; Korean/English) (PDF)
  • 2~3 PM: Observing Tool hands-on session (Seokho Lee; Korean) (PDF)
  • 3~4 PM: ALMA archive & CARTA hands-on session (Hyeong-Sik Yun; Korean)

Zoom link for the EA ALMA Joint Session:
Zoom link for the rest of the townhall meeting:

ALMA Cycle 10 Pre-Announcement
A Call for Proposals with detailed information on Cycle 10 is anticipated to be issued in April 2023, and the deadline for proposal submission will be in May 2023. The key dates (anticipated) for Cycle 10 are summarized in the following table. Cycle10 CfP
The Cycle 10 pre-announcment can be found here.

Joint proposal agreement with VLA, VLT, and JWST
The ALMA observatory is pleased to announce that it has entered into Joint Proposal agreements with the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the European Southern Observatory (ESO) for the Very Large Telescope (VLT), and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) for the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). Joint Proposals are dedicated to scientific projects that require observations with two or more observatories to achieve their scientific goals. A Joint Proposal is submitted to a single observatory for scientific peer review, which allows one observatory to award observing time on multiple telescopes. Therefore, Principal Investigators no longer need to submit separate proposals to each observatory, saving both time in preparing proposals and avoiding "double jeopardy" since the proposal is reviewed just once. For each ALMA cycle, starting in Cycle 10, ALMA will be able to allocate up to 115 hours of JWST time, up to 50 hours on the VLT, and up to 5% of the available time on the VLA. Similarly, JWST will be able to allocate up to 115 hours of ALMA time (on each of the 12-m, 7-m, and Total Power Arrays) per cycle starting with JWST Cycle 2 (with the call for proposals released in November 2022), and the VLA and VLT will each be able to allocate up to 50 h of ALMA time per year starting with Semester 2023B for the VLA (with the call for proposals released in January 2023) and Period 112 for the VLT (with the call for proposals released in February 2023).

More details on how to apply for Joint Proposals will be provided in announcements by each Observatory.

The 6th ALMA Summer School
5th ALMA Summer School
The 6th ALMA Summer School was held at KASI for August 22-26. The following program was conducted:


  • August 22 (1:30-3:00 pm): Lecture on radio interferometry (Jongsoo Kim) (PDF)
  • August 22 (3:30-5:30 pm): Imaging tutorial (Aran Lyo) (script)
  • August 23 (9:00-11:30 am): Weblog tutorial (Seokho Lee) (PDF)
  • August 23 (1:30-3:30 pm): Self-calibration tutorial (Jijyung Kang) (PDF) (script) (script)
  • August 23 (4:00-5:30 pm): Self-calibration group practice
  • August 24 (9:00-11:30 am): Self-calibration group practice
  • August 24 (1:30-3:30 pm): Field trip to the KVN and TRAO sites (Jongsoo Kim/Hyeong-Sik Yun) (PDF)
  • August 24 (3:30-5:30 pm): Multi-configuration tutorial (Aray Lyo) (link)
  • August 25 (9:00-11:30 am): Multi-configuration group practice
  • August 25 (1:30-5:30 pm): Preparation for group presentation
  • August 25 (9:30-11:30 am): Group presentation

The presentation files for group hands-on sessions can be downloaded from here.

Infographics for the Cycle 9 Call for Proposal
Posters with quick-look information of Cycle 9 CfP are available as below. The full resolution images of posters can be downloaded from here ( Poster1, Poster2 ) Poster1 Poster2

First light with the new GPU spectrometer for the Atacama Compact Array
GPU Spectrometer Firstlight On February 22, 2022, the newly developed spectrometer for the Total Power Array of the Atacama Compact Array (ACA), also known as Morita Array, has successfully acquired its first radio spectra towards Orion KL. This is an important milestone for the East Asian ALMA Development Program, materialized through a strong collaboration between the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) within the East Asian ALMA partnership. See here and here for details.

Townhall Meeting for Cycle 9 Proposal Preparation
Townhall Meeting Group Photo The ALMA Cycle 9 Call for Proposals was issued on March 24, 2022. The deadline for proposal submission is April 21, 2022. You can find details on the Call for Proposals in the ALMA Science Portal.

To assist the submission of ALMA proposals, the ALMA group at KASI will host a townhall meeting on March 30, 2022. The program is given below. To encourage the participation of students, some lectures will be given in Korean. However, slides will be prepared in English, and questions in English are welcomed. The lecture for the review process will be given by the Proposal Handling Team at the ALMA observatory as a joint session with the EA ALMA community.

Program on March 30

  • 9:30-10:00 am: EA ALMA joint session for the proposal review process (Andrea Corvillon; English)(Recording for the EA ALMA joint session ; password for the recording can be found here)
  • 10:20-10:50 am: Cycle 9 capability (Jihyun Kang; Korean) (PDF)
  • 10:50-11:30 am: Q&A for proposal review and Cycle 9 in general (Aran Lyo; Korean/English)
  • 2:00-2:30 pm: ALMA archive (Min-Young Lee; Korean) (PDF)
  • 2:30-3:00 pm: CARTA (Kuo-Song Wang; English) (PDF)
  • 3:00-4:00 pm: Observing Tool hands-oh session (Seokho Lee; Korean) (PDF)

  • 2021-September-08
    ALMA Cycle 8 ACA Supplemental Call for Proposals
    The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) is now accepting observing proposals for Cycle 8 that request to use the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) in stand-alone mode. Instructions on how to submit proposals can be found on the Cycle 8 Supplemental Call webpage. For this Supplementary Call, proposals with targets at any RA will be considered, but those that can be observed in the LST range 20 to 10 h are particularly encouraged. Note that 7m-Array polarization observations are not offered at this Supplemental Call. In addition, time-constrained and Target-of-Opportunity (ToO) observations are not offered at this Call for Proposals. A minimum of 1500 h will be allocated each on the 7-m Array and the Total Power Array to proposals submitted at this Call. Key dates for this CfP are given in the following table.

    Cycle8 ACA CfP
    The 5th ALMA Summer School
    5th ALMA Summer School The 5th ALMA Summer School was held online for August 17-20. The following program was conducted:


    • August 17 (2:00-3:30 pm): Principles of radio interferometry and introduction of ALMA (Jongsoo Kim) (PDF)
    • August 17 (3:30-5:30 pm): ALMA data reduction (Aran Lyo)
    • August 18-19: Group hands-on sessions
    • August 20: Presentations on group projects

    • The presentation files for group hands-on sessions can be downloaded from here.
      ALMA Cycle 8 Call for Proposals
      The ALMA Director, on behalf of the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) and the partner organizations in East Asia, Europe, and North America, is pleased to announce the ALMA Cycle 8 2021 Call for Proposals (CfP) for scientific observations to be scheduled from October 2021 to September 2022. For this Main CfP, the JAO anticipates having 4300 hours of approved science time on the 12-m Array and at least 3000 hours each on the 7-m Array and the Total Power Array. Together, the 7-m Array and Total Power Array form the Atacama Compact Array (ACA), also known as the Morita Array. Additional time on the ACA in Cycle 8 2021 will be made available later in a Supplemental CfP. Key dates for the Main CfP in Cycle 8 2021 are given in the following table.

      Cycle8 CfP Science Portal provides more detailed information on the CfP.

      EA ALMA Community Gathering
      EA ARC will host community gathering on March 23 (Tuesday) and 24 (Wednesday) to discuss the newly adopted distributed review system and the current status of ALMA Observatory - Anyone is welcome! Details on the agenda can be found below.

      Date: March 23, 2021 (Tuesday)
      Zoom link: click here

      Agenda (English)
    • 9:30-10:00 Q&A session on the distributed review system (Proposal handling team)

    • Date: March 24, 2021 (Wednesday)
      Zoom link: click here

      Agenda (English)
    • 9:30-9:40 Purpose of the gathering (Alvaro Gonzalez, Head of EA ALMA Support Center)
    • 9:40-10:00 ALMA Observatory status, return to operations status (Sean Dougherty, ALMA Director)
    • 10:00-10:30 Q&A

    • 2021-March-16
      Townhall Meeting for Cycle 8 Proposal Preparation
      Townhall The ALMA group at KASI will host an online townhall meeting to assist ALMA users to prepare Cycle 8 proposals. The details on the agenda, as well as the zoom link for the meeting, can be found below.

      Date: March 18, 2021 (Thursday)
      Zoom link: click here

      Morning session (Korean)
    • 10:00-10:30 ALMA Cycle 8 capability (PDF)
    • 10:30-11:00 Distributed peer review system (PDF)
    • 11:00-11:30 Q&A
    • Afternoon session (English)
    • 2:00-2:30 ALMA Cycle 8 capability (PDF)
    • 2:30-3:00 Distributed peer review system (PDF)
    • 3:00-3:30 Q&A

    • Date: March 19, 2021 (Friday)
      Zoom link: click here

      Morning session (Korean)
    • 10:00-10:30 ALMA Observing Tool
    • 10:30-11:00 Science Archive (PDF)
    • 11:00-11:30 Q&A
    • Afternoon session (English)
    • 2:00-2:30 ALMA Observing Tool (PDF)
    • 2:30-3:00 Science Archive (PDF)
    • 3:00-3:30 Q&A

    • 2021-January-4
      Cycle 8 2021 Pre-Announcement
      Following the postponement of Cycle 8 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will now start the next cycle of observations, referred to as "Cycle 8 2021", in October 2021. A Call for Proposals (CfP) with detailed information on Cycle 8 2021 is anticipated to be issued in March 2021, and the deadline for proposal submission will be in April 2021. More details can be found here, and we highly recommend to read through the announcement since it contains many new features. Some of the key information are as follows.

      Key Dates Cycle8 New in Cycle 8 2021

      The following technical capabilities will be available for Cycle 8 2021 for the first time:

    • Solar observations in Band 5
    • A passive-phasing mode that allows observations of fainter VLBI targets (Bands 3 and 6) and can also be used in an ALMA-only mode primarily for observations of pulsars (Band 3)
    • High frequency observations (Bands 9 and 10) with the stand-alone 7-m Array
    • Mosaicking of continuum linear polarization observations (Bands 3 to 7) with the 12-m Array
    • Spectral scans with the 7-m Array
    • Up to a total of 75 hours of full polarization observations of a single field with the 7-m Array in stand-alone mode at the Main Call only
    • Updates on the Proposal Review Process

    • ALMA will adopt a distributed peer review process for scientific review of most proposals submitted to Cycle 8 2021. After a successful pilot run in the Cycle 7 Supplemental Call, distributed peer review will be used for all proposals requesting less than 25 hours on the 12-m Array, and ACA stand-alone proposals requesting less than 150 hours on the 7-m Array. In this review system, for each submitted proposal the PI (or one of the delegated co-Is) will be responsible for reviewing up to 10 other submitted proposals, thus increasing the involvement of the ALMA community in the review process.
    • Large proposals and proposals requesting more than 25 hours on the 12-m Array will be reviewed by science review panels, as in previous cycles.
    • ALMA encourages PIs to submit larger, more ambitious proposals. Therefore, there is no longer a cap on the total time that can be allocated to Large Programs. Further, Large Programs and proposals that require more than 25 hours on the 12-m Array will have first priority to fill at least 10% of the observing queue.
    • All Cycle 8 2021 proposals will be reviewed using a dual anonymous procedure. While proposers will still enter their names and affiliations in the Observing Tool, their identities will be concealed from the reviewers. It will be the responsibility of the investigators to write their proposals such that anonymity is preserved. By using this procedure, we aim to minimize unconscious bias. Guidelines on preparing anonymous proposals will be made available prior to the time of the CfP.

    • 2020-December-4
      EA ALMA Workshop
      The Korean ARC will host the East Asian ALMA Science Workshop for Feb 17-19, 2021. The meeting will be held online, and the registration is now open: Link
      EA ALMA Community Gathering
      EA ARC will host a community gathering meeting on October 30. The main goal of this meeting is to provide updates on the status of the ALMA observatory, and its agenda can be found below:
      Date and time

    • Korea and Japan: October 30 (Friday) 9:30-10:30 am
    • Taiwan: October 30 (Friday) 8:30-9:30 am

    • Program

    • 10 min (Head of EA ASC/ARC manager): Introduction of the meeting and updates on the ARC user support situation
    • 20 min (ALMA director): Updates on the status of the ALMA observatory and the plan for return to operation

    • The meeting will be held online via Zoom. Please feel free to join us here (Meeting ID: 862 0102 8470; Passcode: 733387).
      ASTE Band7+8 Receiver Project Review
      ASTE_PR The Project Review for the ASTE Band7+8 was held for Oct 20 with a hybrid-form meeting of off-line (Jangyoungsil Hall 331-1, KASI) and on-line.
      The 4th ALMA Summer School
      4th ALMA Summer School The 4th ALMA Summer School was held at Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute for August 18-21. The following program was conducted:


      • August 18 (2:00-3:30 pm): Principles of radio interferometry and introduction of ALMA (Jongsoo Kim) (PPT)
      • August 18 (3:30-5:30 pm): ALMA data reduction (Aran Lyo)
      • August 19-20: Group hands-on sessions
      • August 21: Presentations on group projects

      • The presentation files for group hands-on sessions can be downloaded from here.
        Update on the Status of ALMA Cycles 7 and 8
        On behalf of the ALMA Director, with support from all Executives and the ALMA Board, the recent decisions taken regarding the status of Cycle 7 and Cycle 8 are as follows:

        • The start of ALMA Cycle 8 has been postponed until 2021 October. It is anticipated that the Cycle 8 Call for Proposals will open again in 2021 March.
        • ALMA Cycle 7 will continue through 2021 September, with currently non-completed projects ranked A, B and C remaining in the observing queue.

        • There remain many questions outstanding regarding resuming observations and accepting future proposals during these uncertain times. ALMA is working on these questions and will provide a next update to the community in the coming weeks. Finally, the Regional ARCs continue to provide support to their communities. Please contact the ALMA Helpdesk at if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
          ALMA Cycle 8 Call for Proposals Suspended due to COVID-19
          The COVID-19 crisis has continued to affect the global community, including ALMA users and staff. ALMA operations remain suspended, as announced on March 20. Under these difficult and unprecedented circumstances, the ALMA Director, with support from all Executives, has decided to suspend the submission of Cycle 8 proposals until further notice. The Cycle 8 proposal submission server will be closed as of 15:00UT on Friday, 17 April, 2020.

          We appreciate the community has worked hard on new science ideas for Cycle 8, even under such difficult conditions. We also realize the work the community has done in generating an exciting Cycle 7 observing program. At this time, our first priority is the health and well-being of the global community.

          New timelines for Cycle 7 and Cycle 8 will be announced on the Science Portal in the coming weeks as the global situation evolves.

          These times offer unprecedented stress and challenges for our community members and their families. Our thoughts go out to all those affected by the current situation. The Regional ARCs continue to provide support to their communities. Please contact the ALMA Helpdesk at if you have any questions or concerns.
          Cancellation of ALMA Proposal Workshop
          Due to the uncertainty about ALMA Cycle 8 operation, the proposal workshop has been cancelled.

          Announcement of ALMA Proposal Workshop
          We will have an online workshop for ALMA proposal preparation on April 16. Two sessions will be given: morning and afternoon session in English and Korean respectively. The details on the agenda, as well as the zoom link for the workshop, can be found below.

          Date: April 16, 2020 (Thursday)
          Zoom link: click here

          Morning session (English)
          • 10:30-10:50 Cycle 8 ALMA capability updates (Jongsoo Kim)
          • 10:50-11:10 Double anonymous review system (Aran Lyo)
          • 11:10-11:30 Tips for ALMA proposal writing (Yusuke Aso)
          • 11:30-11:50 Q&A

          • Afternoon session (Korean)
            • 3:30-3:50 ALMA science update: Galactic science (Jihyun Kang)
            • 3:50-4:10 ALMA science update: External galaxy and cosmology (Min-Young Lee)
            • 4:10-4:30 Tips for ALMA proposal writing (Jeong-Eun Lee)
            • 4:30-4:50 Cycle 8 ALMA capability updates (Jongsoo Kim)
            • 4:50-5:10 Double anonymous review system (Aran Lyo)
            • 5:10-5:30 Q&A

            • 2020-March-20
              Suspension of ALMA Cycle 7 Observations
              Due to the COVID-19 outbreak that has spread to Chile, the ALMA Director has made a decision to suspend science operations with ALMA, effective immediately. This decision has been taken to protect the safety of ALMA staff, many of whom travel long distances by bus and by plane to reach the remote ALMA site in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. A reduced staff will be retained at the Operation Support Facility (OSF) to maintain the safety of the ALMA equipment and infrastructure. All other staff will be working remotely for the immediate future. The plan is to continue providing data processing, data archive services, and ARC support, including the Cycle 8 Call for Proposals while external conditions allow it. An announcement will be posted on the science portal when observations are resumed.

              Cycle 8 Pre-Announcement
              The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will start the next cycle of observations (Cycle 8) in October 2020. A Call for Proposals (CfP) with detailed information on Cycle 8 will be issued in March 2020, and the deadline for proposal submission will be in April 2020. This pre-announcement highlights aspects of the Cycle 8 CfP to assist with early planning. More details can be found here, and key dates include

              ACA GPU Spectrometer CDMR
              The CDMR (Critical Design and Manufacturing Review) for the ACA GPU Spectrometer was held for Dec 4-5 in Daejeon (Jangyoungsil Hall 329, KASI).

              ACA GPU CDMR
              ALMA Cycle 7 CASA Release
              The ALMA Cycle 7 CASA+pipeline: 5.6.1-8 is available for download here. Important things to note include:

              • CASA versions prior to 5.6.1-8 cannot be used to import raw ALMA Cycle 7 data due to a change in the data format. CASA 5.6.1-8 and the bundled Cycle 7 ALMA pipeline has been validated to calibrate and image raw ALMA data from Cycles 3-7. Restoration of previously calibrated ALMA data is recommended to be done in the CASA version originally used for the calibration, however, we believe that CASA 5.6.1-8 will restore pipeline calibrated data from CASA 5.4.0 or more recent.
              • To alleviate CASA tclean memory issues for large mosaics, more temporary files are opened on disk than previously when running tclean. This requires the number of open files limit to be set to at least ulimit > 16384. Note that linux/macOS have both "hard" and "soft" limits for open files, a user sees the "soft" limit (only root can change the hard limit). BOTH must be increased to at least 16384. To check the ulimit, in bash type ulimit -Hn (hard limit) or ulimit -Sn (soft limit)
              • For full release notes and known issues see here.

              • 2019-August-21
                ALMA Cycle 7 Supplemental Call Pre-Announcement
                The pre-announcement for ALMA Cycle 7 Supplemental Call is available here.
                The 3rd ALMA Summer School
                3rd ALMA Summer School The 3rd ALMA Summer School will be held at Sobaek Observatory for July 29-August 2. Currently, the following program is planned:


                • July 29 (3:00 pm -): Principles of radio interferometry and introduction of ALMA (Woojin Kwon) (PDF) + Reception
                • July 30: ALMA data reduction (Aran Lyo) + Group hands-on sessions
                • July 31-August 1: Group hands-on sessions + Social activities (hiking is planned)
                • August 2: Presentations on group projects

                • The presentation files for group hands-on sessions can be downloaded from here.
                  Townhall Meeting for ALMA Cycle 7 Proposals at KHU
                  ALMA Cycle 7 Korean ARC Townhall Meeting KHU The ALMA group at KASI will host a townhall meeting for preparation of ALMA Cycle 7 proposals. Anyone who is interested in applying for ALMA time is welcome!

                  Time: 14:00-17:00, March 25, 2019

                  Location: Observatory, KHU

                  Language: Korean


                  • 14:00-14:30 ALMA science highlight (Jongsoo Kim) (PDF)
                  • 14:40-15:10 ALMA proposers' guide (Aran Lyo) (PDF)
                  • 15:20-15:50 ALMA archival data mining (Jihyun Kang) (PDF)
                  • 16:00-17:00 Students' presentation on ALMA proposals

                  • 2019-March-21
                    Townhall Meeting for ALMA Cycle 7 Proposals at SNU
                    ALMA Cycle 7 Korean ARC Townhall Meeting SNU The ALMA group at KASI will host a townhall meeting for preparation of ALMA Cycle 7 proposals. Anyone who is interested in applying for ALMA time is welcome!

                    Time: 16:00-17:30, March 21, 2019

                    Location: Colloquium room, Department of Astronomy, SNU

                    Language: English


                    • 16:00-16:30 ALMA science highlight (Woojin Kwon) (PDF)
                    • 16:30-17:00 ALMA proposers' guide (Aran Lyo) (PDF)
                    • 17:00-17:30 Students' presentation on ALMA results

                    • 2019-March-20
                      Townhall Meeting for ALMA Cycle 7 Proposals at KASI
                      ALMA Cycle 7 Korean ARC Townhall Meeting KASI The ALMA group at KASI will host a townhall meeting for preparation of ALMA Cycle 7 proposals. Anyone who is interested in applying for ALMA time is welcome!

                      Time: 13:30-15:30, March 20, 2019

                      Location: Jangyoungsil Hall 331-2, KASI

                      Language: English


                      • 13:30-14:00 ALMA science highlight (Jongsoo Kim) (PDF)
                      • 14:00-14:30 ALMA proposers' guide (Aran Lyo) (PDF)
                      • 14:30-15:00 ALMA archival data mining (Jihyun Kang) (PDF)
                      • 15:00-15:30 Brainstorming for ALMA proposals (Woojin Kwon)

                      • 2019-March-20
                        ALMA Cycle 7 Call for Proposals
                        The ALMA Cycle 7 Call for Proposals is now open! For this cycle, scientific observations are expected to be scheduled from October 2019 to September 2020 with 4300 hours of the 12-m Array time and 3750 hours of the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) time. The key dates for Cycle 7 include:

                        • March 19, 2019 (15:00 UT) : Release of Cycle 7 for Call for Proposals

                        • April 17, 2019 (15:00 UT): Proposal submission deadline

                        • End of July, 2019: Announcement of the outcome of the proposal review

                        • August-September 5, 2019: Submission of Phase 2 material for accepted proposals

                        • October 2019: Start of Cycle 7 science observations

                        • September 2020: End of Cycle 7

                        The official call for proposals and relevant information can be found at the ALMA Science Portal.

                        The ALMA Configuration Schedule for Cycles 7, 8, and 9

                        A preview of the Cycles 7, 8, and 9 ALMA Configuration Schedule is now available. This schedule is being released to allow ALMA users to plan their proposal strategy for the next three Cycles. Note that the overall schedule may be modified depending on the outcomes of the proposal review process and the proposal pressure in the different configurations. While configurations C-1 through C-8 (with maximum baselines between 0.16 and 8.5 km) will be offered every cycle, users should note that configurations with baselines longer than 13 km (C-9 and C-10) are scheduled for Cycle 7 and 9 but not Cycle 8.
                        The Schedule is provided at the following link.

                        Cycle 7 Supplemental Call for ACA Stand-alone Proposals

                        In Cycle 7, ALMA will offer an ACA stand-alone Supplemental Call for Proposals. It is anticipated that the Supplemental Call will be released on 3 September 2019 with a proposal deadline on 1 October 2019. Since the Supplemental Call will follow the Main Call by five months, the Supplemental Call will maximize the scientific output of the ACA by allowing more timely science to be proposed. Proposals accepted in the Supplemental Call will be scheduled for observations between January 2020 and September 2020.
                        The science portal includes a more detailed description of the Supplemental Call.

                        Cycle 7 Pre-Announcement

                        The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will start the next cycle of observations (Cycle 7) in October 2019. A Call for Proposals (CfP) with detailed information on Cycle 7 will be issued in March 2019, with a deadline for proposal submission in April 2019. This pre-announcement highlights aspects of the Cycle 7 proposal Call that are needed to plan proposals.
                        More information on the Cycle 7 pre-announcement is available in the ALMA science portal.

                        Korea-Japan F2F Meeting for ALMA/ASTE Developement
                        ALMA Cycle-6 Korea-ARC Town Meeting

                        KASI has been developing a wide band ALMA receiver covering the frequency range of the ALMA band 7 and 8 (275 to 500 GHz) since 2015 in cooperation with the NAOJ. The GPU spectrometer also has been developed as a backend of recievers for the ASTE telescope as well as for the ALMA TP array, which has been approved by the ALMA board committee in 2017. The researchers of the KASI and the NAOJ have been conducting regular face-to-face meetings for the effective cooperation of development projects. This year in 2018, there were two face-to-face meetings during January 16-17 and November 20-22 in Korea. The detailed programs can be found in the following links.

                        January 2018 F2F meeting at Citadines Haeundae Busan

                        November 2018 F2F meeting at Courtyard Seoul Botanic Park

                        The 2nd ALMA Summer School
                        2018 ALMA Summer School

                        ALMA 관측 자료 이용 방법과 ALMA 망원경을 이용한 연구 과제 개발을 위하여 한국천문연구원 전파천문본부 ALMA 그룹은 2018년 7월 23-27일 동안 소백산 천문대에서 “ALMA 여름학교”를 다음과 같이 개최하고자 합니다. 여름학교에서는 전파간섭계의 간단한 원리, 그룹별 ALMA Archive 자료 처리 전 과정 (Calibration과 Imaging), 그리고 간단한 분석 (Position-Velocity Diagram, Moment maps etc.) 방법을 다룰 예정입니다. 강의는 한국어로 진행합니다.

                        • 장소: 소백산 천문대

                        • 날짜: 2018년 7월 23(월) – 27(금)

                        • 대상: 천문학 전공 고학년 학부생, 대학원생 또는 박사후연구원

                        • 프로그램

                        - 7월 23일(월) : (오후 3시 시작) 전파 간섭계 원리와 ALMA 망원경 소개 + Reception

                        - 7월 24일(화) : ALMA 자료 처리 과정 (Calibration + Imaging) 강의와 실습 + 그룹별 Imaging 실습

                        - 7월 25일(수) – 26일(목) : 그룹별로 Imaging과 분석 방법 실습, 연구 과제 개발, 그리고 그룹별 발표 준비

                        - 7월 27일(금) : 그룹별로 실습한 내용 발표와 토의

                        The presentation files of group hands-on projects can be found here.

                        Townhall Meeting for ALMA Cycle 6 Proposals at KASI
                        ALMA Cycle-6 Korea-ARC Town Meeting

                        The ALMA group of KASI will host a town hall meeting for preparation of ALMA Cycle 6 proposals. All the astronomers who are planning to propose for ALMA observations or who are interested in ALMA are cordially invited.

                        - When: 14:00 - 17:30, March 27, 2018

                        - Where: JYS 331-2, KASI

                        - Language: English

                        - Program

                        • 14:00-14:30 ALMA cycle 6 proposer’s guide and capability (Jongsoo Kim)
                        • 14:30-14:50 ALMA Solar observations (Sujin Kim)
                        • 14:50-15:10 ALMA joining VLBI (Taehyun Jung)
                        • 15:10-15:30 Break
                        • 15:30-16:00 How to Write ALMA Proposals (Woojin Kwon)
                        • 16:00-16:30 Introduction to the ALMA Observing Tool (Aran Lyo)
                        • 16:30-17:00 Introduction to the ALMA Archive (Jihyun Kang)
                        • 17:00-17:30 Q/A
                        ALMA Town Hall Meeting at KIAS
                        ALMA Cycle-6 Korea-ARC Town Meeting

                        - When: 14:25 - 17:30, March 21, 2018

                        - Where: KIAS

                        - Language: Korean

                        - Program

                        • 14:25 - 14:30 Opening remarks (Changbom Park)
                        • 14:30 - 14:50 ALMA Cycle 6 guide and capability (Aran Lyo)
                        • 14:50 - 15:20 ALMA extragalactic science cases (Se-Heon Oh)
                        • 15:20 - 15:50 Overview of KIAS extragalactic science (Ho-Seong Hwang)
                        • 15:50 - 16:10 Break
                        • 16:10 - 16:25 Molecular gas properties of ram pressure stripped gas clouds unveiled by ALMA? (Bumhyun Lee)
                        • 16:25 - 17:30 Discussion (Se-Heon Oh, Kijeong Yim)


                        The ALMA Director, on behalf of the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) and the partner organizations in East Asia, Europe, and North America, is pleased to announce the ALMA Cycle 6 Call for Proposals. It is anticipated that 4000 hours of the 12-m Array time and 3000 hours of the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) time, also known as the Morita Array, will be available for successful proposals from Principal Investigators (PIs) in Cycle 6. ALMA Cycle 6 proposal submission will open at 15:00 UT on Tuesday, 20 March 2018. The Cycle 6 proposal submission deadline is

                        15:00 UT on Thursday, 19 April 2018.

                        The ALMA Proposer’s Guide contains all pertinent information regarding the ALMA Call for Proposals. A comprehensive description of the ALMA observatory and its components can be found in the ALMA Technical Handbook.

                        For information not provided at the Science Portal, proposers may submit a Helpdesk ticket. Registration at the ALMA Science Portal is required for Helpdesk ticket submission.


                        1) 2017.03.07 (Seoul National University)
                        ALMA Cycle-6 Korea-ARC Town Meeting

                        -Place: SNU, Hall-19, room# 212

                        -Language: Korean

                        -Time: 14:00 - 17:20


                        • 14:00 - 14:40 ALMA Science Cases with our Galaxy (Jeong Eun Lee) (PDF)
                        • 14:40 - 15:20 ALMA Science Cases beyond our Galaxy (Se-Heon Oh) (PDF)
                        • 15:20 - 15:40 Break
                        • 15:40 - 15:55 Different chemical and dynamical environments in two massive star forming regions, G19.61-0.23 and G75.78+0.34 (Kee-Sun Baek)
                        • 15:55 - 16:10 Quasar Feedback in the Early Universe: The Lowest Eddington Radio Quasar at z ~ 6 (Yong-Jeong Kim)
                        • 16:10 - 16:40 VLBI Observations with ALMA (Tae-Hyun Jung) (PDF)
                        • 16:40 - 17:20 Solar Observations using the ALMA (Sujin Kim) (PDF)

                        2) 2017.03.12 (Seoul National University)
                        • 14:00 - 14:40 ALMA Cycle 6 Proposer's Guide and Capability (Jongsoo Kim) (PDF)
                        • 14:40 - 15:20 How to Write Technical Justification and Introduction to the ALMA Simulator (Woojin Kwon) (PDF)
                        • 15:20 - 15:40 Break
                        • 15:40 - 15:55 Probing the Origin of CO Clumps in a Ram Pressure Stripped Virgo Spiral Using Alma (Bumhyun Lee)
                        • 15:55 - 16:10 Revealing the Nature of Blazar Radio Cores through Multi-Frequency Polarization Observations with KVN and ALMA (Jongho Park)
                        • 16:10 - 16:50 Introduction to the ALMA Observing Tool (Aran Lyo) (PDF)
                        • 16:50 - 17:30 Introduction to the ALMA Archive (Ji-hyun Kang)

                        The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will start the next cycle of observing (Cycle 6) in October 2018. A Call for Proposals with detailed information on Cycle 6 will be issued in March 2018, with a deadline for proposal submission in April 2018. This pre-announcement highlights aspects of the Cycle 6 proposal call that are needed to plan proposals (click).

                        General information: ALMA Cycle 6 will start in early October 2018 and span 12 months. It is anticipated that 4000 hours of 12-m Array time will be available for successful observations of approved projects, and 3000 hours will be available on the Atacama Compact Array (ACA), also known as the Morita Array.

                        2017-Nov-27-29 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon

                        Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon.

                        The 1st ALMA Summer School

                        Program details

                        ALMA Summer School ALMA Summer School Lecture ALMA Summer School Lecture2

                        The first ALMA Summer School was held at Sobaek Observatory for 5 days. By introducing the fundamentals of radio interferometer and the technical methods for data analysis, this program was designed to help students to easily access to public data from the ALMA Archive.


                        The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) is now accepting observing proposals that request to use the 7-m Array in stand-alone mode for the remainder of Cycle 4. Instructions on how to submit proposals can be found on the 7-m Array Supplemental Call web page (click).


                        The ALMA Director announces that the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will accept observing proposals that request to use the 7-m Array in the remainder of Cycle 4, which ends on September 30, 2017. This proposal call enables the community to propose projects that will fill in undersubscribed regions of the observing queue for the 7-m Array. Up to 800 hours on the 7-m Array will be allocated through this opportunity.

                        General information ALMA Cycle 5 will start in early October 2017 and span 12 months. is anticipated that 4000 hours of 12-m Array time will be available for successful observations of approved projects, and 3000 hours will be available on the Atacama Compact Array (ACA), also known as the Morita Array.

                        Proposals must be compatible with the capabilities listed in the ALMA Cycle 4 Call for Proposals, with the following restrictions:

                        Proposals for this special call will be accepted only for the 7-m Array in stand-alone mode. Proposals that request the Total Power (TP) Array or the 12-m Array will be declined. A proposal may request up to 50 hours of observing time on the 7-m Array. We encourage large time requests within this limit. Proposals will be accepted in Bands 3, 4, 6, and 7 for any LST, except between LST of 15 h and 20 h in Bands 6 and 7. The largest amount of time available in any band is at an LST of >22 h and <`13 h. Only proposals that request standard modes are permitted, as defined in the ALMA Cycle 4 Proposer’s Guide.

                        Proposals can be submitted starting April 21, 2017 and will be reviewed as they are received. Instructions on how to submit a proposal through the ALMA Observing Tool (OT) will be made available on the ALMA Science Portal on April 21. Proposals can be submitted at any time up until the end of Cycle 4 or until the available time has been fully allocated. An announcement will be posted on the ALMA Science Portal when this opportunity closes.

                        2017-Mar-23,30 & Apr-04

                        1) 2017.03.23 (Seoul National University, 서울대)
                        ALMA Cycle-5 Korea-ARC Town Meeting

                        -Place: SNU, Hall-19, room# 212 (서울대 19동 212호)

                        -Language: Korean

                        -Time: 14:00 - 17:35


                        • 14:00 - 14:30 ALMA science 3 talks (10min/student)
                        • 14:30 - 15:00 ALMA Cycle 4 Proposer's Guide and Capability (Jongsoo Kim) (PDF)
                        • 15:00 - 15:25 Introduction to the ALMA Observing Tool (Aran Lyo) (PDF)
                        • 15:25 - 15:50 Introduction to the ALMA Archive (Ji-Hyun Kang)
                        • 15:50 - 16:15 Break
                        • 16:15 - 16:45 ALMA Science Cases with our Galaxy (Woojin Kwon) (PDF)
                        • 16:45 - 17:15 ALMA Science Cases beyond our Galaxy (Se-Heon Oh) (PDF)
                        • 17:15 - 17:35 Discussion

                        2) 2017.03.30 (KIAS, 고등과학원)
                        ALMA Cycle-5 Korea-ARC Town Meeting

                        -Place: KIAS, room# 1423 (고등과학원 1423호)

                        -Language: English

                        -Time: 14:00 - 17:30


                        • 14:00 - 14:50 ALMA Science Cases beyond our Galaxy (Se-Heon Oh)
                        • 14:50 - 15:10 ALMA Science 2 talks (10min per person)
                        • 15:10 - 15:30 Break
                        • 15:30 - 16:00 ALMA Cycle 4 Proposer's Guide and Capability (Jongsoo Kim)
                        • 16:00 - 16:30 Introduction to the ALMA Observing Tool (Aran Lyo)
                        • 16:30 - 17:00 Introduction to the ALMA Archive (Ji-Hyun Kang)
                        • 17:15 - 17:35 Discussion

                        3) 2017.04.04 (KASI, 한국천문연구원)
                        ALMA Cycle-5 Korea-ARC Town Meeting

                        -Place: KASI, Jangyoungsil-Hall, room# 331 (장영실 331호)

                        -Language: English

                        -Time: 13:30 - 17:30


                        • 13:30 - 14:00 ALMA Science Cases with our Galaxy (Woojin Kwon)
                        • 14:00 - 14:30 ALMA Science Cases beyond our Galaxy (Kijeong Yim)
                        • 14:30 - 14:50 Observations of the Sun using the ALMA (Sujin Kim) (PDF)
                        • 14:50 - 15:30 Break
                        • 15:30 - 16:00 ALMA Cycle 4 Proposer's Guide and Capability (Jongsoo Kim)
                        • 16:00 - 16:30 Introduction to the ALMA Observing Tool (Aran Lyo)
                        • 16:30 - 17:00 Introduction to the ALMA Archive (Ji-Hyun Kang)
                        • 17:00 - 17:30 Discussion

                        ALMA ACA TP (Total Power) Array GPU Spectrometer Preliminary Design Review

                        ALMA ACA TP Array GPU Spectrometer PDR was held at KASI in Feb 20~21, 2017.

                        The program can be found here.

                        ALMA Feb 2017 PDR meeting ALMA Feb 2017 PDR meeting

                        Additional Information for Cycle 5 Proposals

                        Additional Information for Cycle 5 Proposals

                        As indicated in the Cycle 5 Pre-announcement, this announcement provides further information on Cycle 5 proposals, including: (1) Update on the availability of Band 5, (2) Reclassification of 16 km baselines as a standard mode, (3) Cycle 5 configuration schedule, (4) Information for preparing Large Programs. Complete details will be provided in the Call for Proposals, which will be released on the ALMA Science Portal on March 21, 2017.

                        Announcement of 3mm VLBI in Cycle 5

                        Announcement of 3mm VLBI in Cycle 5

                        It is expected that phased ALMA will participate in some GMVA observations during ALMA Cycle 5 (Oct 1 2017 - Sept 30 2018; see the ALMA Cycle 5 Pre-announcement). The number of ALMA dishes possible in the phased array is likely to be 35 - 43 (but see below). ALMA will not be in a configuration suitable for VLBI during GMVA Session II 2017. GMVA session dates during Cycle 5 are not yet fixed, but Session I in 2018, which is likely to be in March or April, should provide an opportunity for GMVA + ALMA observing. GMVA Session II in Fall 2018 may also overlap with ALMA Cycle 5 in a configuration suitable for VLBI.

                        Any GMVA proposal requesting phased ALMA during Cycle 5 must be submitted via the NRAO PST at the February 1, 2017 deadline.

                        Proposers should:

                        (1) Specify "ALMA" in the Other Stations text field in the PST. (2) Select the default GMVA 3mm observing mode of 2 Gbps, dual polarization. (3) Specify the amount of time and GST range(s) needed for ALMA separately, either in Session Constraints or Comments, or in the Technical Justification.

                        Announcement of upcoming availability of ALMA Solar SV data

                        Announcement of upcoming availability of ALMA Solar SV data

                        New installments of Science Verification data are planned for release on 18 January 2017. The data release will contain observations of the Sun obtained during the Solar commissioning campaigns in 2014 and 2015. The release will contain mosaics and single pointing observations in Band 3 and 6 with the 12m, 7m and total power arrays. Details of the observations will be listed on the Science Verification web page.

                        ALMA Cycle 5 Pre-announcement

                        Cycle 5 pre-announcement

                        The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will start the next cycle of observing (Cycle 5) in October 2017. A Call for Proposals with detailed information on Cycle 5 will be issued in March 2017, with a deadline for proposal submission in April 2017. This pre-announcement highlights aspects of the Cycle 5 proposal call that are needed to plan proposals.

                        General information ALMA Cycle 5 will start in early October 2017 and span 12 months. is anticipated that 4000 hours of 12-m Array time will be available for successful observations of approved projects, and 3000 hours will be available on the Atacama Compact Array (ACA), also known as the Morita Array.

                        New in Cycle 5 In Cycle 5, the following opportunities will be available to Proposers for the first time. -Band 4 polarization: Proposals will be accepted for Band 4 observations in all available polarization modes. - Band 5 observations: Proposals will be accepted for spectral line (12-m,7-m and Total Power arrays) and continuum (12-m and 7-m arrays) observations in Band 5. Proposals will be accepted for Band 5 observations in all available polarization modes.

                        ALMA/ASTE F2F Meeting

                        The 7th KASI/NAOJ F2F (face to face) meeting to discuss for the future ALMA/ASTE instrument update.

                        The meeting was held at KASI for two days (Oct 24-25, 2016).

                        ALMA/ASTE oct 2016 F2F Meeting

                        ALMA Cycle 4 Call for Proposal is NOW OPEN!

                        The ALMA Director, on behalf of the Joint ALMA Observatory and the partner organizations in East Asia, Europe, and North America, is pleased to issue the Cycle 4 Call for Proposals. The ALMA Cycle 4 proposal submission deadline is:

                        15:00 UT on Thursday 21 April 2016.

                        We invite members of the scientific community to submit observing proposals for ALMA Cycle 4. Cycle 4 will start in October 2016 and span 12 months. Users of any professional background, nationality or affiliation may submit proposals.

                        ALMA/ASTE F2F Meeting

                        The 5th KASI/NAOJ F2F (face to face) meeting to discuss for the future ALMA/ASTE instrument update.

                        The meeting was held at KVN TAMNA for three days (Mar 23-25, 2016).

                        ALMA/ASTE mar 2016 F2F Meeting

                        Korea-ARC node Town meetings for the ALMA Cycle 4

                        Two Korea-ARC node town meetings for the ALMA Cycle 4 will be held in March 2016. The main purpose of the town meeting is to introduce the upgraded ALMA capabilities for the Cycle 4 observations and help users to prepare their proposals.

                        Town meeting program
                        18 March 2016: KIAS (Korea Institute For Advanced Study)
                        • 14:00 - 14:30 ALMA Cycle 4 Proposer's Guide and Capability (Jongsoo Kim)
                        • 14:30 - 15:00 ALMA Science Cases beyond our Galaxy (Woojin Kwon)
                        • 15:00 - 15:20 Introduction to the ALMA Archive (Ji-Hyun Kang)
                        • 15:20 - 15:40 Break
                        • 15:40 - 16:10 Introduction to the ALMA Observing Tool (Aran Lyo)
                        • 16:10 - 16:30 How to Write Technical Justification and Introduction to the ALMA Simulator (Woojin Kwon)
                        • 16:30 - 16:50 Break
                        • 16:50 - 17:30 Q&A
                        28 March 2016: KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)

                        ALMA Cycle 4 pre-announcement

                        The Joint ALMA Observatory(JAO) released the pre-announcement of Cycle 4.

                        Key dates are:
                        • Call for Proposals release date: March 22, 2016
                        • Anticipated proposal deadline: April 21, 2016
                        • Start of Cycle 4 observations: October, 2016
                        • End of Cycle 4 observations: September, 2017

                        ALMA/ASTE F2F Meeting

                        The 3rd KASI/NAOJ F2F (face to face) meeting to discuss for the future ALMA/ASTE instrument update.

                        The meeting was held at KVN TAMNA for two days (Oct 1-2, 2015).

                        ALMA/ASTE oct 2015 F2F Meeting

                        Release of a new instalment of Science Verification data

                        New ALMA Science Verification data have been released. This release contains data on the following Science Verification targets:

                        • M100 observations of the CO(1-0) line in Band 3 with the 7-m Array and Total Power (TP) Array, along with an update of previously released 12-m data, demonstrating the ALMA Compact Array (ACA, 7-m and TP Arrays) and data combination capabilities.
                        • 3C 286 in Band 6 continuum, demonstrating ALMA's polarization capability.

                        For more information, please visit here

                        ALMA/ASTE F2F Meeting

                        The KASI/NAOJ F2F (face to face) meeting to discuss for the future ALMA/ASTE instrument update.

                        The meeting was held at KASI for two days (May 11-12, 2015).

                        ALMA/ASTE may 2015 F2F Meeting

                        ALMA Cycle 3 Call for Proposals closure
                        ALMA Cycle 3 Call for Proposals Attract Record Number of Submissions

                        The ALMA Observatory's Early Science Cycle 3 has attracted 1582 proposals for observation time submitted by the international scientific community during the application period (the deadline was 23 April 2015). Read more

                        ALMA Cycle 3 Call for Proposals closure

                        The proposal submission deadline for ALMA Early Science Cycle 3 proposals closed on the 23 of April 2015. ALMA received 1582 unique proposals estimated to require 9037 hours of 12-m Array and 3640 hours of ACA time. By comparison, 1382 proposals were received in Cycle 2 and 1131 in Cycle 1. Read more

                        Observing Tool update

                        An updated version of the Observing Tool release for Cycle-3 proposal preparation has been released on 17 April 2015. This includes fixes for a number of bugs that were found after the original release. More details of these can be found on the OT "Known Issues" page. All users are recommended to upgrade to the latest release - Web Start users will automatically get the new version upon restarting the OT.

                        Korea-ARC node Town meetings

                        The Korea ARC node will hold a series of town meetings for the ALMA Cycle 3 preparation. The main purpose of the town meeting is to introduce the upgraded ALMA capabilities and help users to prepare their proposals. Three half day meetings and one full day meeting are scheduled.

                        Town meeting program
                        The full day event
                        • 13:00 - 13:40 ALMA telescope and its Cycle 3 Capability
                        • 13:40 - 14:20 ALMA Science cases
                        • 14:20 - 14:40 Break
                        • 14:40 - 15:20 ALMA simulation for proposals
                        • 15:20 - 15:50 How to use ALMA Archive
                        • 15:50 - 16:10 Break
                        • 16:10 - 16:30 Introduction to Observing Tool (OT)
                        • 16:30 - 17:20 Tutorial on Observing Tool
                        • 17:20 - 17:40 Q&A
                        • 18:00 - dinner
                        Full day town meeting dates
                        • 03 April 2015: KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
                        • place: KASI, Jangyoungsil-Hall, room# 331
                        • time: 13:00 - 17:40
                        The half day event (in the afternoon)
                        • ALMA Cycle 3 capabilities (30 min)
                        • ALMA Science cases (30 min)
                        • ALMA Archive data (30 min)
                        • ALMA Observing Tool (OT) practice (1.5 hrs) :
                        • Install OT from here (OT for cycle 3 will be released on March 24, 2015)
                        • Discussion (0.5~1 hr)
                        Half day town meeting dates
                        • 25 March 2015: KIAS (Korea Institute For Advanced Study) + Sejong Univ.
                        • place: KIAS, room# 1423 (고등과학원 1423호)
                        • time: 2:00-6:00 PM
                        • 26 March 2015: SNU (Seoul National Univ.) + Yonsei Univ.
                        • place: SNU, Hall-19, room# 212 (서울대 19동 212호)
                        • time: 3:00-6:00 PM
                        • 03 April 2015: KyungHee Univ.
                        • place: KHU Astronomical Observatory, 1st floor projection room (경희대 천문대 1층 영상실)
                        • time: 1:00-4:00 PM
                        ALMA Cycle 3 pre-announcement

                        We would like to draw your attention to the pre-announcment for ALMA Cycle 3, posted to the ALMA Science Portal at: here

                        Key dates are:
                        • Call for Proposals released: March 24, 2015
                        • Anticipated proposal deadline: April 23, 2015
                        • Start of Cycle 3 observations: October 2015
                        • Duration of Cycle 3: 12 months
                        Among the capabilities on offer for Cycle 3 will be:
                        • Receiver bands 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10
                        • Baselines up to 10 km for Bands 3, 4 & 6

                        Korean flag in ALMA Operations (OSF)
                        Korean flag in OSF

                        Revolutionary ALMA Image Reveals Planetary Genesis

                        A new image from ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, reveals extraordinarily fine detail that has never been seen before in the planet-forming disc around a young star. ALMA’s new high-resolution capabilities were achieved by spacing the antennas up to 15 kilometers apart. This new result represents an enormous step forward in the understanding of how protoplanetary discs develop and how planets form. For details about the ALMA image of HL Tau click here

                        HL tau imag

                        JCMT science development workshop

                        KASI, Korea


                        Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan

                        Republic of Korea and Japan Sign Agreement on ALMA

                        On August 17, 2014, the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan and the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) signed an agreement concerning the operations and development of ALMA. With this agreement, Korea officially joined in the East Asia ALMA consortium, whose current members are Japan and Taiwan.

                        Japan and Korea have promoted active collaboration in the field of astronomy. In 2001, the two countries made a successful VLBI observation for the first time by linking the 45-meter radio telescope of the Nobeyama Radio Observatory (NRO) of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and the 14-meter radio telescope of the Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory of Korea. The following year, NAOJ and KASI officially signed an agreement to further strengthen the collaboration. And a decade later, in March 2012, NAOJ and KASI signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning the collaboration of ALMA.

                        This agreement enables Korea’s participation into the ALMA project as well as their contribution to the operations of ALMA and development of new instruments. It is expected that this agreement will enhance the cooperation of two countries in astronomy and greatly promote the diversity and innovativeness of East Asian astronomical researches.

                        Republic of Korea and Japan  Sign Agreement on ALMA


                        Phoenix Island in Jeju

                        photo East Asia ALMA science workshop 2014

                        Korean ARC Node is to provide support service to the ALMA user community in Korea